The total of the estimated costs by cost category in Part B must be consistent with the amounts in the ‘budget overview table’ in Part A. In Part B, all participants have to assign the effort (person‑months) to each work package and this must be consistent with each organisation’s direct personnel (staffing) costs. The proposal template is composed of two main parts: Part B (technical content of the proposal) and Part A (administrative information and estimated budget of the project). If you want to submit a proposal, you will need to fill in a template. WHERE DO YOU HAVE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION?
NB: estimated staff costs must correspond to normal salary rates (documented by salary grids, long-term work contracts, etc.) and cannot significantly exceed the rates generally applicable in the relevant geographical area and for the staff profiles in question (as required for the project). We need an accurate calculation of ‘human effort’ to evaluate the relationship between the estimated work to be performed and the scale, type and number of activities and deliverables to be achieved during the implementation period.